Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Quick info about the wedding

Hey there. Answers to some FAQs:

Hotel: We have a block of rooms at the Staybridge Suites near the Galleria. Tell them you're with the Tyner-Taliaferro wedding. I think there may be a special rate or something... not sure.

Registry: We have registered at Neiman-Marcus, Bed Bath & Beyond, Dillard's, and Walmart.

What else have people needed to know lately? I'm blanking out.

Oh yeah, one more:

Cheese: I want some.

Monday, August 21, 2006

And you may ask yourself, "How did I get here?"

So I'm having one of those days when I seem to be a little outside of myself, watching my life and being generally confused.

I just had my mid-year employee review here at the insurance company where I work. I did well (yay), but I'm sortof shocked that I even work here in the first place. How did I get here? High school: "I want to be in music or science." College: "Engineering will be good... I like math. And I want to make money." Later college: "Engineering is awful. What was I thinking?" Nextel: "Uggghhhhhhhh." Marcus Evans: "I work for the devil. Time to cut and run." And now I'm here. It's just very confusing to me sometimes. I could never have predicted it.

So what's next? I have no intention of working here for life... I don't think I could work anywhere for life. I want to go back to school, but I'm not sure if it's for the right reasons. I mean, college life was pretty awesome, and it's only natural to want that environment again. But the classes? Well, I'm not sure about the classes. And what would I study?

You know how dogs get real excited and start running around, and then they hit some tile floor and can't stop, but they try to put on the brakes anyway, and then SLAM! they hit the wall or the fridge? Yeah, sometimes life feels like that. Like a dog with no brakes.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Smartest girl in the world!!

Check it out, I added links to other blogs! Minor victories are good for the ego, yes?

I do not feel well today; I think I may have a cold. For this, I blame my mother who said, and I quote, "You haven't been sick in a while, have you? Probably because you're exercising." DANG IT. She spoke the words, and my sinuses said, "OH YEAH! We're supposed to be making way too much snot! Let's get to work, fellas!"

I don't know why my sinuses are male. Just made sense that way.

So, today, I would like to tell you some things you may not know about me. And since Justin is not here to defend himself, I'll tell you some things you may not know about him as well. (heh heh, that'll teach him to forget the blog password.... heh heh heh)

Me: I have a giant liver. I know because a surgeon told me. It is true.

Justin: Always says hello to the cats when he comes to visit. In Spanish. "Hola, gatos!"

Me: I am scared to death of eyeballs, but not public speaking. So I could make a speech about eyeballs to thousands of people, as long as I didn't have to touch said eyeballs. Uhghghghghghghghghghghghgh.

Justin: Will change the direction of the toilet paper roll if it is "wrong."

Me: Didn't know there was a right and wrong way to hang the toilet paper roll. (Sidenote: I was apparently doing it "wrong." It has been changed.)

Justin: Freezes leftover pizza. Do other people do this? You should! Then there's always pizza!

Me: Have really flat feet that make suction cup noises on tile. (Freaks Trey out, haha.)

Justin: Is probably working really hard right now.

Me: SHOULD be working right now...

On that note, I'd better make like eggs and scram.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ok, ok, I hear you....

I stink at blogging. All right. I had originally intended to write about wedding stuff only. However, I am SO tired of wedding stuff. So now you get ramblings, woohoo!!

Okay, I'm gonna tell you a scary bathroom story. This really happened, people! So I was in the bathroom doing bathroom-type things and playing a game on my phone, which is pretty normal for me. The door opened almost silently and someone crept in. I heard shuffling of feet and crinkling of paper near the sink area. Then it started making weird noises, almost like humming or purring or something equally disconcerting. So I peeked through the crack of the bathroom door, but I couldn't quite see the thing. All I saw were fairly small feet.... too small. "Oh mercy, it's a tiny demon wearing Keds, and here I am with my pants down!" was my first thought. The thing then entered the adjacent stall and closed the door. This stall was apparently not suitable, so it came over to my stall, where I was sitting in trepidation, and tried to open the door! "No, tiny demon, get thee hence!" I said. (I actually said, "Someone's in here" but you know what I meant.") The thing said, "Oh." The voice was creepy and childlike, like that little girl in all those movies who talks really low... what's her name? Anyway, at this point I was basically waiting for it to leave so I wouldn't have to come face-to-face while washing my hands. Finally I heard the soft whoosh of the door, and I exited, grateful to be alive after the ordeal. Then, just like a surprise ending in a horror movie, the door opened again!! AAAAAHHHHH! There was a little girl holding the door open and staring at me with crazy eyes!! "Small creepy child, why did you wait for me to come out of the stall?!" I shouted. (No. I said, "Thank you." Alas, I am too polite.) I think she's still lurking around here somewhere, waiting to ambush me. Nothing's scarier than kids.